What little concept I had of Evanescence was that is was ala Marilyn Manson, sort of a satan worshipping thing. I have no idea why I thought that. Maybe I saw a photo of the lead singer and she is sort of goth-ish. So I was shocked when I was at Mango Tango with The Bug having yogurt the other day and I was enchanted with the song MY IMMORTAL that was playing on the muzak (what do they call that these days?). The teenage staff person told me and I was amazed.
This word, evanescence, what does it mean? I just looked it up. What a beautiful word.
[ev-uh-nes, ev-uh-nes]–verb (used without object), -nesced, -nesc⋅ing.
to disappear gradually; vanish; fade away. |
Related forms:
ev⋅a⋅nes⋅cence, noun
ev⋅a⋅nes⋅ci⋅ble, adjective
To dissipate or disappear like vapor. See Synonyms at disappear.
[Latin ēvānēscere, to vanish : ē-, ex-, ex- + vānēscere, to disappear (from vānus, empty; see euə- in Indo-European roots).]
ev'a·nes'cence n.
Here's the video for the first song, GOOD ENOUGH. Will post on their other song, MY IMMORTAL in a future blog.

This video is about redemption somehow, no? What do you think about the song, the video and the word evanescence.
Amazing video. Hard to make. But perhaps because I am loopy right now with H1N1 I did't really get it. I understand the meaning of evanescence and ergo the video but still I don't get it. Will someone more enlightened please gently explian it so that this old jerk can really understand? Thank you